Learn-O Flow
Learn-O Flow EDU
“Play is the child’s work, it’s his profession, it’s his life”
– Pauline Kergomard

1/2 day or full day

From 3 years old

Solo or in a team

One-off or Recurring

40 pers. max
Learn-O Flow EDU: it’s an educational, fun and in motion session!
An EDU offer: An innovative fun learning solution, an opportunity for consolidation through repetition in joy and good humor while moving: the body and the mind are called upon!
Learn-O is about learning differently! Not in class and not sitting, learning takes place by moving around the field and in a controlled digital environment. Each student is free to choose their level, their choices, their pace and is autonomous to receive their correction and evaluation. They can complete their challenge individually or ask for help from their classmates. Each student therefore progresses at their own pace and adjusts the level at which they are evolving.
The objectives of the session will be set in advance and each session is personalized according to the chosen theme.

Learn-O Flow Buzz
“Individually we are a drop of water. Together we are an ocean”
– Ryunosuke Satoro

1/2 day or full day

Solo or in a team

Challenge - Team Building

Min. 10 people
Learn-O Flow BUZZ: it’s a fun and dynamic team-building session!
Are you looking for an original and fun idea to stimulate your teams, create teambuilding and challenge them?
During a Rubika session, each challenge is unique and achievable by calling upon different types of intelligence. Several levels can be proposed in order to work effectively as a team. Using the Learn-O concept is using the power of the game. You have to play to captivate and captivate to motivate your teams. Here a double objective will be fulfilled: a fun collaboration objective for the team and a cohesion objective for the company!
To ensure balanced and effective team dynamics, it is crucial to avoid situations where a single leader dominates. Each member must be fully involved, with a common goal broken down into subtasks for active participation by all. Cohesion is strengthened by regular contact and constant exchanges are essential.
Limiting the team size allows each contribution to be valued. A collective strategy and visual confrontation with other teams stimulates commitment and competitiveness.

“Move to the next level!”